
[4E5] Screenshots and Art

Started by June 05, 2006 10:15 AM
351 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 9 months ago
thanks for the moral boost folks
after re-considering, i have confidence that a truely original game
with only a 2D/sprite style engine definatly stands a chance

[Edited by - cwyers on June 29, 2006 11:39:44 AM]
Well, I think a 2D game can definately look as good, if not better, than a 3D game. The pixel art really makes up most of the look of a 2D game, while a 3D game will need decent models, textures, animation, and various features implemented through code. A 2D game is definately alot easier to make it look great. The winner last year was a 2D game (I believe made with game maker). If you have a good story, fun gameplay, and decent pixel art, you have a great chance of doing well.
Sean Henley [C++ Tutor]Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Quote: Original post by Michalson
Don't worry, I'll be doing a 2D entry with (apart from resolution) barely above NES level graphics. Of course my biggest worry is how I'm going to fit about ~130KB worth of sprite graphics (~15KB GIF compressed) into 2000, at most 3000 bytes.

Wow, 130KB of data compressed down to 2~3KB would be crazy. Reminds me of the old Amiga demos.
Quote: A 2D game is definately alot easier to make it look great. The winner last year was a 2D game (I believe made with game maker). If you have a good story, fun gameplay, and decent pixel art, you have a great chance of doing well.

Yes, I can only agree to this. I started too late with my entry anyway, but I spent most of my time getting the graphics up and running, so I didn't have time anymore to provide any decent gameplay. Just give it a shot and see how it turns out [smile]

Quote: if you split it into two passes, do the first one with alphatest and z-writes, then you can do the second one with alphablend on to neaten up the edges and because you've built most of a z-buffer you'll remove a lot of your overdraw

I'm already doing that and it does work quite well when the camera is far away from the canopy. When the camera is close though and the canopy fills most of the screen, I only get 1/10th of the performance (NVidia perfhud shows 0% GPU idle time, whatever the camera position is). I tried various other approaches and the bottleneck somehow seems to be the shadow map lookups for the alphablended/tested parts.

Oh well, we might be going with an urban setting anyway, so the trees aren't really a priority right now. Thanks for the helpful pointer though
Rim van Wersch [ MDXInfo ] [ XNAInfo ] [ YouTube ] - Do yourself a favor and bookmark this excellent free online D3D/shader book!
Check out the Frame Profiler (F8) in NVPerfHUD. It has this cool 5-bar display.
Select the correct "StateBlock" from the top box, and then look at the 5 bars to see which is the longest. That's what you need to work on :).

Anyhow, you've probably already seen that feature, but it is really amazing :).

[EDIT] To get this topic back on track -- GeoMIPMapped terrain:
Image Hosted by

- just noticed the fps too, lol.

Here's a better one while I'm at it:
Image Hosted by
Sirob Yes.» - status: Work-O-Rama.
Quote: Original post by sirob
- just noticed the fps too, lol.


I'm beginning to think i might enter something, i'm fresh out of ideas and time, but it could be SOMETHING.

Someone throw an idea at me!

Not much to see yet:

Free Image Hosting at

I'm mostly still throwing ideas around and doing some prototype-coding in-between, not sure if I'll enter something in the end. :/
Someone throw an idea at me!

* Picks up a slingshot, places a heavy idea on it, pulls back the string, and lets go *
Mike Popoloski | Journal | SlimDX
Here's a pic:
Display Settings Dialog Box

Should I bother to enumerate 16bpp display modes? I'm tempted to just list 32bpp modes. But I don't have much of a clue as to what people are using nowadays.
Since the competition is for a higher level of cards now, I wouldnt worry about 16bit color devices. The only time I used 16bit is on my Riva TNT2, where it actually made a performance increase to use 16bit. Of course there is always somebody that might be using 16bit and needs to learn to turn up thier bit depth. :) On the other hand just list them, since all conversions are handeled for you anyway by DX.

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