
[4E5] Screenshots and Art

Started by June 05, 2006 10:15 AM
351 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 9 months ago
Ever since school started up again I have barely been able to touch this project, but I somehow still managed to get some stuff implemented. Unfortunately, with each passing day the probability of this being entered into 4E5 diminishes a little bit further.

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In the screen shots, you can see:

- Normal mapping
- Bloom lighting
- Multiple per-pixel lights (each robot emits light, as do the projectiles)
- Dynamic soft shadows (all the polygonal obstacles currently cast one shadow per light; the robots don't cast shadows as I found it to be annoying).
- Lava

The shadows still need a bit of work. Particularly having their transparencies fade off appropriately.
Quote: Original post by Prinz Eugn
Hurray Robot


A boss for our entry, Angels 22
More stuff on it earlier in the thread, if you're interested.

So you played Journey to Silius? :)
Quote: Original post by liquidAir

EDIT: Fixed broken image+link.

uh oh ...
i think we are both making almost similar games .....
could you tell me the story in brief so that we could make changes to either of our stories .

thanks ...
I've posted another dev log and video with a weapons demo of a few of the weapons I've added so far.

You can get to it here.

84 more days! (Thanks for the countdown timer Vilio!!!)
sweet! some nice looking projects on here.

updated the map editor a bit, now includes small cliffs you can paint onto the map and some more texture options. for the sake of simplicity i'm not using heightmaps at all nor shaders.. shaders... make my head hurt..

now i'm working w/ details to make the maps look a bit more occupied.

next week hopefully, when everything is implemented i'm going to release this so everyone can help me find bugs and create maps for when the game is done.. that is if i finish the ui, prop apparatus, terrain textures, texture placement apparatus, and of course you wish to help..

cRiTiCiZe, you must!!!

(the minimap is not functional atm =/)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Check out my 4E6 progress!( Personal Guarantee! You will NOT get rick-rolled. )
Quote: Original post by handless
sweet! some nice looking projects on here.

updated the map editor a bit, now includes small cliffs you can paint onto the map and some more texture options. for the sake of simplicity i'm not using heightmaps at all nor shaders.. shaders... make my head hurt..

now i'm working w/ details to make the maps look a bit more occupied.

next week hopefully, when everything is implemented i'm going to release this so everyone can help me find bugs and create maps for when the game is done.. that is if i finish the ui, prop apparatus, terrain textures, texture placement apparatus, and of course you wish to help..

cRiTiCiZe, you must!!!

(the minimap is not functional atm =/)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I love the look of your map system. Great work!
Will put out some information on my entry in a month or so. Just a screenshot for now.

Quote: Original post by handless

Don't tell me one has to select the correct corner piece manually from the list to do the terrain. You should make it automatic, let user just paint wall and have the terrain system select the correct tiles. It doesn't take long to code and saves a lot of trouble in mapping.

Polish. This image was taken from a real-time rendering in a Game Maker program which serves as the introduction movie for Lions of the Atlantic. ("Real-time Ripples!")
Quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Quote: Original post by handless

Don't tell me one has to select the correct corner piece manually from the list to do the terrain. You should make it automatic, let user just paint wall and have the terrain system select the correct tiles. It doesn't take long to code and saves a lot of trouble in mapping.

Nah, the terrain placement ( which is just cliffs atm ) can be painted onto the map, everything is automated. Now the terrain textures uses a different set of tiles and I haven't got around to making that automated yet, so painting textures is a bit difficult. I'm working on that now. Might be releasing the map editor "next" week instead of the end of this week. Need to work out some issues. Thanks for the comments. I'll be needing more critisism once I get things more organized.

Check out my 4E6 progress!( Personal Guarantee! You will NOT get rick-rolled. )

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