
[4E5] Screenshots and Art

Started by June 05, 2006 10:15 AM
351 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 9 months ago
True. I had thought that as that measure was of wind speed, using mph would be fine - but I seem to have been mistaken.
God I hate myself not knowing of this contest until now :(:( .... just you wait guys.. Ill be back in 4E VI

.. good luck you all
Quote: Original post by AJirenius
God I hate myself not knowing of this contest until now :(:( .... just you wait guys.. Ill be back in 4E VI

.. good luck you all

You still have a full month plus a few days. That is plenty of time to make something that is fun to play.

Download a good engine and add some fun gameplay to it.

Notice the difference between the professional looking games and the block-wandering-on-grid games. The biggest difference is the use of existing engines.
So you're calling my work a "block wandering on a grid"?
Quote: Original post by frob
Quote: Original post by AJirenius
God I hate myself not knowing of this contest until now :(:( .... just you wait guys.. Ill be back in 4E VI

.. good luck you all

You still have a full month plus a few days. That is plenty of time to make something that is fun to play.

Download a good engine and add some fun gameplay to it.

Notice the difference between the professional looking games and the block-wandering-on-grid games. The biggest difference is the use of existing engines.

Yes, I noticed the month left but unfortunately Im way to picky to jump into a contest and believe that I will finish a game within one month. Im no speedcoder and I definitely take pride in my work so it's probably better that I start to whip up some small libs and goodies for some upcoming contest next year (cause it cant be against the rules right? to start with it I mean).
Quote: Original post by omicron1
So you're calling my work a "block wandering on a grid"?

Yup. [oh]

I'm just basing it on various contest posts where the (generally better appearing) games list their engines they use, and the blocks on a grid games talk about how they are doing it all themselves.

Obviously it isn't universally applicable.
Quote: Original post by AJirenius
Yes, I noticed the month left but unfortunately Im way to picky to jump into a contest and believe that I will finish a game within one month. Im no speedcoder and I definitely take pride in my work so it's probably better that I start to whip up some small libs and goodies for some upcoming contest next year (cause it cant be against the rules right? to start with it I mean).

You are allowed to use whatever libraries and engines you can legally obtain and submit.

So you can use OGRE, ODE, SDL, GameMaker, or anything else that will help you get finished quickly.
I feel terrible looking at all the great screens. Lately school(and general programing) has been taking some time. I will hopefully get enough time to get a complete game, but only time(and hard work) will tell ;)
Yeah, I feel a bit bad for not getting an entry in this year, especially since I have known about the contest since it started. I suppose I could blame it on being a full time student, but I really do know that if I had the motivation(and wasn't so lazy) that I could have got an entry in.

omicron1: I think your work looks great. It has been interesting to see the continual development of your project!
omicron, more power to you for writing your own engine... There aren't enough home-grown engines popping up anymore. (There are still quite a few, but not as many as there should be)
There was a saying we had in college: Those who walk into the engineering building are never quite the same when they walk out.

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