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I'm not learning anything in university. Should I drop out?

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125 comments, last by GeneralJist 7 years, 6 months ago

guys, sry for asking again, but I have another off-topic question. I found one small studio that has an internship position and the requirements are pretty light and I pass them.

I have a 3d first person shooter made using c++ and opengl (modern) where you just kill enemies and spawn them with f1. There is no AI, bots just follow you wherever you go. I have phong shading and shadows, but my shadows are displayed like big squares, because the way I decided to do the shadows is to render the scene from the sun's position to another framebuffer, and then just use the depth values to compare if a fragment is in shadow, but the problem is that my sun is too far away and I can see all the squares that make up the shadow, they are too big. And the collision boxes are only AABB and I use rayAABB intersection to check if I've hit someone. I wanted to do more stuff but I spent one month loading skeletal animation, I don't know why it took me so much. And that is my whole game. But I kind of feel really pessimistic about that because there are a lot of guys that are in a game related degree and will probably do stuff that is a LOT better, but my friends want me to try, but it would take me too much time to polish the CV and the cover letter and was wondering if it's worth it.

Should I even bother to write a CV and post it, or is it better to do my courseworks and leave that internship?

Should I even bother to write a CV and post it, or is it better to do my courseworks and leave that internship?

In the US, internships are meant to slot in between courses, most frequently during the three to four month long summer break. Not only do they not detract from coursework, they are strongly encouraged rather than simply taking summer classes. Don't know how it is where you live, but my vote is to take as many internships as you can.

As far as the industry itself, meh. M. E. H. I don't like the romanticization of it, either positive or negative. The truth of the matter is that it's pretty much universally a challenging career choice that pays about average. Many people love it and take pay cuts to stay in it. Many bail out. Many were never cut out in the first place. Some companies are great. Some are awful. Many are in between. People go into it because that's what they want to do with their life, not because it's a pathway to wealth and certainly not because it's a stable 9-5 job. Frankly, many of the people who love game development - or at least the idea of game development - are not very capable people overall and so they wind up and second rate or third rate companies. Then they burn out and write articles about six out of ten games. The capable people go work on the big games, and put in long hours because they believe in the product and believe in producing a nine. Sometimes they burn out too. Many don't.

The only advice I can give for certain is that all the people I know who stuck around in the industry knew that was how they wanted to spend their time. The ones who just thought it'd be a more fun job than other jobs are sorely disappointed.

SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.

I missed like 80-85% of the lectures. I just can't make myself go to lectures

Then you should stop wasting the money. But whose money is it really? Are you
putting yourself through university? Or are your parents paying?
If you're going to flunk out because you can't at least pretend you're a
student, then go do something else. Maybe sometime later you'll come to
want a degree for some as-yet-undetermined reason.

-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com

frob isn't trying to scare you off. His points are extremely valid. That is the reality of how the hiring process in any computer science related field works.

It's not just computer science, either, it's the reality for pretty much every halfway desirable field.


You should consider changing your perspective. Yes, you've gained most (if not all) of your technical abilities outside of school. Congrats, but there is still so much more out there. If you're having such an easy time, then start stacking things up until you are challenged. 3 years + another 2-3 for masters? Why not do it in 3 years flat? They won't stop you from taking more courses. Talk to your professors, to an academic advisor, tell them you need more. If the technical side doesn't have any more fruit for you to gather, why not get a secondary degree in business (or art). Both would help a LOT with game development. If you're bored, it's because you've made yourself bored. Fix that. Also, college is one of the VERY few times you will constantly find yourself surrounded with people who have the same interests. Network, make friends, challenge them and let them challenge you, and stay in touch with them even after school...getting a good job is also knowing the right people or making the right impressions.

Do you have anything on github? Most employers will ask that for programming jobs, or ask for you to show them something that you're working on. The number one thing they look for is passion, with skill secondary (that's how you know you've found a good place to work).

So you have all this time on your hands because you're not going to class...use it. You won't have that again when you actually have a job and you HAVE to spend 8 hours there...and you have a family...then there is no time outside of work. Build what you want your career to be NOW, because later is a much harder option.


Promit, on 02 Dec 2016 - 2:54 PM, said: However the numbers shake out, I need to filter the list and I'm going to start by cutting everyone with no internship and no degree. "Harsh."

not harsh - reality man! wake up and smell the coffee!

9000 pounds a year is only $11,430 a year. sounds kind of low to me.

also, 3 years seems short for a full blown CS degree.

is that a bachelor of science degree? or the lesser but more common bachelor of arts degree? or something less - an associates degree or something?

is the program fully accredited by the best accreditation associations?

what about credit transfer? will all your credits transfer with no problem to the best schools? MIT? Cal tech?

it may be that the school or degree program you're in is something less than the best. a four year engineering degree from a school whose credits transfer anywhere is the degree of choice. anything less is - well - something less.

IE it may seem like a joke cause it is. not all pieces of paper (degrees) are the same.

if you don't need to attend lecture to get straight A's, then you're like me, just give me the book , and the exam, guaranteed A every time. No class i ever took was ever really challenging and i have enough hours for four engineering degrees, and always took the hardest most advanced placement courses possible my entire life. super genius IQ, program for superior learners, whole nine yards.

but you still have to go to lecture - just in case they change the test dates! you can always do something else during lecture. I used figure out the physics for racing games during 1st year physics lecture. out of all the classes i took, there were only perhaps 3 or 4 instructors whose lecture was truly worth attending. They explained stuff better than any book. you'd actually be upset if you missed a lecture.

if you find the program you're in isn't all that, you might want to transfer to a "real school". this assumes the problem is your program is not challenging due to the fact that the program is not a serious one.

as mentioned in other posts - the primary goal is to get that piece of paper. its is what opens up doors for you. only then you you get a chance to prove your worth.

you should never help others cheat. the sad fact is you're in a competition against your fellow students if you're graded on a curve. every buddy you help get a better grade makes your awesome grade stand out less. and in the future, you might just find yourself competing against one of these same people for a job. And you - like an idiot - helped your competition graduate so they can take the job you want?

And finally, DO NOT DROP OUT!

almost any degree is better than none. and your're already 66.7% completed on your current degree. at worst, just finish so you have something to show for it. then you can take it from there. Hopefully it will be marketable enough to get you a day job while you decide what to do next, or continue training for the degree and job you really want

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"




3 years + another 2-3 for masters?

54k pounds straight out of college, no.

Don't know how it is where you live, but my vote is to take as many internships as you can.

Promit, but I need to qualify for that internship, why would they just take anyone, I need to have some skills, right? And to show some code?

Sorry codeBroggs, that recommendation for getting a masters as well was simply an example of what you could do if you crammed your schedule and what you could get if you did that way (and how quickly).

So, there are other options out there too. For example https://www.42.us.org/. There was an article in arstechnica about it a couple months back...you would find EXTREMELY driven people there, and it is in a highly skilled talent pool (that's if you went to silicon valley...they have other schools open in europe as well I believe). Look at those options as well...and ask yourself, 'how hungry are you'?

Also, Norman is spot on, but there are other ways too. If you begin making a brand for yourself, and helping other people (not just in class, but online, doing blogs, sharing code, you know...repaying back the community that you learned it all from, because 15-20 years ago...those communities weren't nearly as developed)...so, helping your competition can also be to your benefit too (just no cheating...that is a reputation killer right there).

you should never help others cheat. the sad fact is you're in a competition against your fellow students if you're graded on a curve. every buddy you help get a better grade makes your awesome grade stand out less. and in the future, you might just find yourself competing against one of these same people for a job. And you - like an idiot - helped your competition graduate so they can take the job you want?

Haven't thought about that. (just a little bit), but I don't compete with other people, it's too much pressure. If someone takes my job, I'm happy for him. I will work something else, I think. I don't want to see the world that way. But I know the people I'm helping, and if some one of them takes my job, at least I'll have a good laugh at the company. But maybe you are right, who knows, time will show.

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