
[4E4] Confused about a rule? Not sure if time travel is allowed?

Started by June 05, 2005 10:58 PM
147 comments, last by superpig 19 years, 2 months ago
Quote: Original post by stormrunner
Thanks, Khawk, for the explanation. I've only got one more question, for now - even though this is game is for a contest, can we still make demos and distribute them for feedback ? Or ask a question/discuss a feature that directly relates to our game (i.e. game design) on the forums (like a "Realistic death animations - what do you think ?" thread)?

I think that's really up to you (in past 4E contests people have posted screenshots of their work in progress). Keep in mind that anything you show (in particular a demo) could give an edge to your competition. If you give away all your secrets before the contest is due, there won't be anything you can do if someone "steals" your ideas and uses them to make a better/knock off entry (though if you say post a texture you made, and someone blatently steals it, there may be recourse as it would violate the distribution rights rule [you automatically own the copyright to that texture, so they would not have the right to distribute it [unless you posted your texture under the GPL or something]).

Basically feel free to share and ask for help about the contest, but don't complain later if someone uses that public information to gain an advantage over you in the contest.
Must the game contain a single-player mode: in other words, is it allowed to submit a game that can only be played by multiple people over a network?
Quote: Original post by WanMaster
Must the game contain a single-player mode: in other words, is it allowed to submit a game that can only be played by multiple people over a network?

It can be multiplayer-only, but I would suggest allowing a single player to participate in the game environment.

Admin for

A question o0

Can the elements be purely abstract besides the name? As in a normal web based tbs =0

Would a Persian Assassin count as a Ninja? =)
Would a Pirate force to steal goods count as a Pirate?
Are space Ninjas and space Pirates allowed?
Variations on the theme are permitted as long as someone who didn't know about the competition could look at your game and say, "Yeah, it's got ninjas/pirates/robots/zombies in it."

However, be aware that simply reskinning your space marine to look like a ninja is unlikely to score as highly as a game that really makes use of the qualities of the subject matter. So reskinning your space marine to look like a pirate would be acceptable but score low, changing the sounds so he at least says "Arrr!" would be slightly better, but making his characteristics (e.g. swordplay, parrotine companion) a key aspect of the game would be best.

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

is the sourcecode required to be send too?

what about softwarepatents, as an european i dont know if there is something i shouldnt use, but gdnet (afaik) isnt allowed to release make dloadable patented material or programms containin it... ?!? can you give us a list of what not to use? :P

is something like eye-toy allowed, where a camera is required?

there is no limit in teamsize? we could make a MMO-pirate-vs-ninja-hockey game...?

Quote: Original post by T2k
is something like eye-toy allowed, where a camera is required?
Only if you're willing to ship a camera to all the people who play the game (both the judges and the people who download it from the site...)

there is no limit in teamsize? we could make a MMO-pirate-vs-ninja-hockey game...?
In four months? Well, uhm, you can try. [grin] No limit to team size but it's one prize per entry, not one per team member. So if you win a graphics card or something you may have trouble sharing it with 50 other people [smile]

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

A small check on the 4 elements:

Robots: anything mechanical which is self controlled and can take action to influence it's environment. I'm guessing the idea is that they are at least vaguely humanoid, but would for instance industrial robots fit the bill (like those car painting 'robots')?

Pirates: the swashbuckling kind that searches/hides treasure and typically have eye patches, not the software kind.

Ninja: the (normally black clothed) assassins from the far-east.

Zombies: anything undead? Or only the 'dumb' stereotype kind of zombie?
Is it ok to depend on a game library for Java that allows OpenGL (and contains native code too)? Specifically, I am thinking about:

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