
[4E5] Screenshots and Art

Started by June 05, 2006 10:15 AM
351 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 9 months ago

Getting this to run in real-time on the target hardware could be interesting. It's already slow and there's only one light and no reflections...


Clouds + water lighting

An image of my latest two additions: Cloud layers and water highlights.
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Alright, I've got water in. Now to move on to fire.
Sirob Yes.» - status: Work-O-Rama.
Nice water! How are you doing it?

Am I the only one who can't whip up a program in a few minutes? It seems like I have been spending forever just getting the basic background code up and running so that my project doesn't collapse in onto itself when it gets over 1000 lines of code...
yes, nice results in a very short time... I don't have any line of code yet... just a few lines of text to describe what I will try to do...
I might enter into it. I dont really wanna say much about my game but heres a screen. After looking at everyones stuff it seems ill be far from top 10 lol.

from my understanding it doesn't seem graphics and visuals are the emphasis but rather games that cohesively take the four elements and make a cohesive and fun experience. but, that isn't to say visuals don't hurt. for me though, axionometric tile games were/are fun. fallout ftw!
Quote: Original post by sirob
Alright, I've got water in. Now to move on to fire.

Quick question, you're not going off of the old set of elements are you? That is Earth, Fire, Wind, Water? Apologies if not but I thought it would be best to clear that up before you go and make a game that you can't enter! Just to clarify, the elements are Europe, Economy, Emotion, and Emblem.
Progress is born from the opportunity to make mistakes.

My prize winning Connect 4 AI looks one move ahead, can you beat it? @nickstadb
Quote: Original post by InsaneBoarder234
Quote: Original post by sirob
Alright, I've got water in. Now to move on to fire.

Quick question, you're not going off of the old set of elements are you? That is Earth, Fire, Wind, Water? Apologies if not but I thought it would be best to clear that up before you go and make a game that you can't enter! Just to clarify, the elements are Europe, Economy, Emotion, and Emblem.
Ouch. That would be a nasty surprise five months from now, wouldn't it? : /
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
I'll share a boring screenshot:

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