
[4E6] Libertine

Started by September 28, 2007 01:54 AM
71 comments, last by XDigital 16 years, 5 months ago
Title: Libertine Genre: Space-Trade-Simulation Features: Spacecrafts: Pony - small fighter spacecraft Blooded - heavy fighter spacecraft Mule - small transport spacecraft Workhorse - heavy transport spacecraft Enhancements: Turrets, Energy Weapons, Projectile Weapons, Software Upgrades, Cargo Bay Extensions, Shields, Structure Plates. Tradegood: Crystals, Alloys, Machines, Food, Luxuries, Drugs, Weapons Fractions: Police, Technocrats, Miners, Pirates Places: Planets, Moons, Space Stations, Asteroid Fields, Nebulas Traveling: Warp Storyline: Each fraction has its own short storyline but with a combined titanic finish. Engine: Selfmade, Multibody ODE, Swarming, 6DOF for each Spacecraft, OpenGL, OpenAL/FMod Platform: Multiplatform (at least Ubuntu, Windows) using glut Tools: Eclipse (IDE), Gimp (Textures), Wings3D (Meshes) [Edited by - XDigital on October 28, 2007 1:46:02 PM]
I think just calling a spacecraft after one of the elements is really pushing it.

Say for instance I decide to nickname my characters "Crystal", "Pony" and "The Accountant" do you think that would pass?

wait and see
the significant inclusion of the element is the small fight spacecraft...not the pony name you've slapped on it. you could name it anything you want...doesnt make it worth inclusion. Unless maybe the spacecraft was shaped like a horse, with individual thrusters that were leg shaped, and an elongated neck with the cockpit on the

also worried about your use of economy as accounting.
its hard to say if that will fly.
economy is the act of trade
accounting is the act of record keeping
fundamentally different things
i dont think being an accountant pilot with an inventory is very clever...
but it may work.

ambitious project, and i wish you luck :)

[Edited by - mindrot on October 1, 2007 5:32:43 PM]
I don't know, making a spaceship and calling it a pony seems to go against the spirit of the competition. Unless the shapeship is shaped like a pony.

Worked for Giraffes.
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The first screenshot...

Hosted for free by: Pixilive
Shot at 2007-09-29

[Edited by - XDigital on September 30, 2007 3:17:45 PM]
I'm truly shocked at the speed with which screenies appear in this contest. I'm no where near screenshot time, and I'm still nailed down ideas. Perhaps is a difference in a hands-on and just go with it approach to careful planning and then execution? Still, I'm amazed.
Quote: Original post by Jason Petrasko
I'm truly shocked at the speed with which screenies appear in this contest. I'm no where near screenshot time, and I'm still nailed down ideas. Perhaps is a difference in a hands-on and just go with it approach to careful planning and then execution? Still, I'm amazed.
Well, some ideas lend themselves to pretty much any set of elements (except, perhaps, Europe). Honestly, once you know it's in space, it's probably worth your while to start making planets and moons and stars.

I am curious to see if there's a good cause for this Pony ship to fit the elements category. And I'm optimistic!
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Quote: Original post by Jason Petrasko
I'm truly shocked at the speed with which screenies appear in this contest. I'm no where near screenshot time, and I'm still nailed down ideas. Perhaps is a difference in a hands-on and just go with it approach to careful planning and then execution? Still, I'm amazed.
I imagine the winning games will not even have got names yet.

Quote: Original post by d000hg
Quote: Original post by Jason Petrasko
I'm truly shocked at the speed with which screenies appear in this contest. I'm no where near screenshot time, and I'm still nailed down ideas. Perhaps is a difference in a hands-on and just go with it approach to careful planning and then execution? Still, I'm amazed.
I imagine the winning games will not even have got names yet.

I haven't actually seen that many screenshots aside from the one here and my pony model. I don't have a title or anything either, I just made a pony as soon as I saw one of the elements was "ponies" because it's almost guaranteed that either I or someone else will make a game that includes, you know, ponies.
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-

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