
[4E5] Screenshots and Art

Started by June 05, 2006 10:15 AM
351 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 9 months ago
Guys .... I am left with my mouth open .. ( greek expression , not sure if used in english :/ )

Too many nice screenshots making me look forward to the many great games in this year's contest.I myself did not see it in time .. and I am still quite the beginner ... but I will do something just for the fun of trying at the next contest!

A question , will any games make their source codes public?So us beginners can take ideas?
cool screen xdigital! i relly want to know who will win :)
Thanks. But to be honest: I won't be able to finish the game in time. There are so many things to do. The textures are not finished for the animals, I have no animation because I'm not sure how to export the rigid bar matrix from Matlab to c++, the fight is not finished, the cave with the final boss is still a Matlab mesh without textures, no magic incorporated, no ranged weapons, the trade system is just an idea on a piece of paper...
OK, there are some more days until deadline. Back to the editor. Time is running.
hehe know how u feel XDigital, and im far from finished, and i would see if i done it in time, but I really hope u do, because it looks great :P, but if u do i would even have a change to win anything :P, but hope u made it anyway then at least i have a great game to play

keep up the good work
regard jblund :)
Quote: Original post by ghosted
Quote: Original post by sirGustav
Behold the nice colors!
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There is actually some gameplay in this picture. You can jump and move around. Wall-slide/jump ala megaman and make a attack/thrust/jump-thingy from the wall.

Now here's a submission I can get with. No graphics, no particles, no messing around with pixel-shaders or sketchel-mapped tangle lenses. Just someone focussing on getting their core mechanics sorted quickly and cleanly without anything getting in the way. Looking forward to seeing what becomes of it.

"Forgot" about developing on it for about 2 months, made some more, school started, realized that the game play was going out of my hands and there wasn't/isn't enough time to fix it. too bad.
more info and download here
It is kind a fun running around slashing stuff, but the "real" sword-fighting that I wanted isn't there. As a programmer it was kinda fun to use a click-and-create environment to (heavily) script a small game not using any of the built in icons, probably a misuse of technology but fun nonetheless ;)

Elements(for those who are interested):
Europe - you are a viking in Europe(Sweden/Denmark)
Economy - buy mushrooms(increase anger), tree(chew on it and reduce anger), new weapons and health from merchants (not implemented)
Emotion - your angry/berserk meter (and a small amount of programmer/bad-humor)
Emblem - a symbol combined of a cross and a spear, works roughly like the lambda symbol in half-life.

Good luck everyone, next time(4e6) I might finish my game(not this one) ;)
Here are some screenshots that I posted in my dev journal for Mop of Destiny.

Note that I have not yet completed any of the background art, so the backgrounds are lame. The gameplay is, however, 100% complete. It's just a matter of doing the art/sound/music now. It's going to be REALLY close, but I think I can do it.

Click to enlarge
I cant say other than wow ! thats awesome and i've read the devlog, wish I have thinked of something like that :P sweeeeeet !

keep up the good work
regards Jblund

ps. now i know I havn't a single chance :P but then i have more games to play when the competition ends :P
Drilian: That looks very well done!
Some of these screenshots look very impressive - XDigital, even if you don't finish your project in time I remain impressed with your graphics!

"Mop of Destiny," Drilian? *chuckles* Your main character wouldn't be related to a certain Roger Wilco, would he - perhaps a distant forebear? Either way, it looks as though it might well be a fun game to play. :)

As for my own project, I'm not at all sure that I'll manage to finish in time (although I very much intend to try!), so I'll refrain from posting what little art I have yet, even at this late stage... ^^;


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

The submission date is approaching fast! November 30, 2006, at 2300 hours EST
*News is my new domain.

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