
[4E6] Libertine

Started by September 28, 2007 01:54 AM
71 comments, last by XDigital 16 years, 5 months ago
I think it is a great logo. Simple, and classy.
Now the game behind should be classy too! ;)
Sometimes I notice that I get too ambitious with my projects and don't finish them on time - sometimes, when the deadline is looming (or even before it's looming) you have to declare "ENOUGH!" and finish the dang thing, even if it's not perfect. Or great. But a finished mediocre product is better than a perfectly incomplete one!!!

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Great-looking logo.
Fixed the memory leak in my physics library. You see in the picture a little demo of the ODE-solver, here the flag of the police faction in the "wind". Same ODE-system and solver will handle all spacecrafts.

...and here the same flags in Libertine - Faction-Selection-Screen...

[Edited by - XDigital on December 18, 2007 1:17:54 PM]
Quote: Original post by aersixb9
Sometimes I notice that I get too ambitious with my projects and don't finish them on time - sometimes, when the deadline is looming (or even before it's looming) you have to declare "ENOUGH!" and finish the dang thing, even if it's not perfect. Or great. But a finished mediocre product is better than a perfectly incomplete one!!!

You are absolutely right. The thing is, I'm standing in front of an insurmountable mountain (here, the AI) and I'm looking for anything close which is able to detract me from the main path (here, the Logo).
Would it be easier to code it multi-player than to code the AI? (That's the dilemma I'm facing right now with Near Earth Space (formerly Space Ponies)...

Bad AI can sometimes be good, since players like to win...

Have you tried downloading a generic AI API? I know that thegamecreators make one for basic, called DarkAI...
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the AI is the main reason, why I spend my time coding this stuff. If everything works fine, the ODE is able to calculate multiple objects with interaction in realistic formation flight together with a control law (i.e. schooling fish, swarming birds, UUV's, UAV's...). Multiplayer is not planned for Libertine. There are only 4 months left and I never tried coding multiplayer functionality - maybe 4E7.
Made some serious parameter studies, which took me at least 2 days. Had to update my solver code, fixed another hidden bug within the calculation of adjacent elements and speeded up the code. However, I needed to reduce spaceships because of time efficiency. Usually I wanted to have 256 spaceships, but the final game will only have 128 spaceships (32 for each faction). In exchange every spaceship has its own quest, its dependancies, its waypoints and priorities (without ODE nodes: 50 fps, with 256 Nodes: 11 fps, with 128 Nodes: 25 fps on my Athlon 1600 GeForce 6600 GT and about 50k Trias per Frame).

It is really cool to see a convoy of Mules travelling from Shire to Bowsprit escorted by Ponys and Bloodeds.

The following picture shows the dependancies for each ODE node. Each node is a part of my swarm engine. The lines can be taken as a kind of NASTRAN rod, well... kinda...

Dev Blog

[Edited by - XDigital on January 1, 2008 2:47:29 PM]
That looks very cool. Plus, I love most things dealing with swarms, not sure why, but I wanna see this. :)
Thanks, dmoonfire. Sometimes I think, I only work for positive replies in this forum - strange, isn't it?

Now, the next big item is: *The Explosion* and I made a rudimentary schedule, what to do to implement them:
make it possible to delete (or hide) ODE nodes within the complete set of equations
implement the weapon class (with range, rate of fire, damage etc.)
implement the weapon class into the spaceship class
let the player fire his/her guns
upgrade the collision detection
implement the particle engine
make some thoughts how explosions could look like in deep space

Nice amount of work, if you ask me. There is only one week vacation left. Looks like one item per day, does it? But if this works, there is only one big brainsucking item left (the control law for each spaceship). All other things are: writing story, making textures, clean up code and incorporating eye-candy and less.

Ok, going to fetch some inspiration from BSG (the best space dogfights in TV-history).
See you in space.

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